Unity Free Tutorials
Unity Free Tutorials
For this week's unity task, I had to pick 2-4 Unity tutorials that will help me towards my game that I'm creating. I found this weeks task helpful as I learnt a lot of new and important things from the tutorials I looked at. The tutorials I looked at were:
An image of a game character.
- Unity Tutorial 2 - Creating objects in Unity: This tutorial showed me how to create items in Unity. This tutorial was also very helpful as it helped me to learn how to create items. I needed a tutorial like this because Items play a big part of my game as they are what my character needs to collect to complete the adventure.
An example of objects in games.
Image Source:https://www.vectorstock.com/royalty-free-vector/pixel-graphic-game-objects-8-bit-style-pictures-vector-21261173
-Countdown Timer In Unity - Easy Beginners Tutorial/ Guide: This tutorial showed me how to add a timer for my game. I needed this tutorial as my game needs a timer to make it more exciting for the person who is playing it.
An image of a timer in a game.
Here are the links to the tutorials I watched:
-Unity 3D Tutorial Part 70: Character creation!!! :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSDNv7IJs5o
-Unity Tutorial 2 - Creating objects in Unity:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9qt1cTH2r0
-Countdown Timer In Unity - Easy Beginners Tutorial/ Guide:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0j7PdU88a4
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