Game Stories

Game Stories

This week for my reading task, I read two articles 'Into the Woods: A Practical Guide to the Hero's Journey' by Bob Bate and  'What Every Game Developer Needs to Know about Story' by John Sunderland.   I enjoyed  reading this articles and found them very interesting.

The first article I learned about the hero's in games. Mostly every game has a hero. My favourite hero in a video game would have to be Mario from the Super Mario Games.  This article helped me learn more about what goes into a hero in a video game. 
These are the possible steps that a hero can go through on his/her journey:

  • Establishing the hero's world
  • The call to adventure
  • Entering the mythological woods
  • Trail of trials
  • Encountering the evil one
  • Gaining the hero's prize
  • Returning that prize to the community

Hero's play a huge part in games. The audience love when there is a certain hero in a game because they can get attached to the hero and really feel like they are him/her when they are playing the game.If there is a hero there must be a villain. There must a villain or a few because the game needs something to try and stop the hero from completing their goal. For example, in the game 'Zelda', the hero is Link and the villain is Ganon who will stop at nothing to stop Link.  One thing I liked a lot from the article was the three act structure. The example Bob Bate used was this:

  • In the First Act, you get the hero up a tree
  • In the Second Act, you throw stones at him (in other words, you make things harder for him)
  • In the Third Act, you get him down out of the tree.

The second article I read was about the story when making a game. I enjoyed reading this article and feel like I will take away a lot of valuable information about it and it will help me in the future when I design games. 

Stories are vital for a game. For a game to be good it has to have a good storyline. If a game has a boring storyline or it does not make sense then that can make the player stop playing from either boredom or lack of interest. An example of a game that got backlash for having a boring/bad storyline is 'Borderlands 3', which then made less people purchase the game. A game that has a great storyline will keep the player invested into it and wanting to find out what happens next. A great example of a game with a excellent storyline is 'Grand Theft Auto v', the storyline just gets better and better and makes the player wonder what is going to happen next.The article tells us how important storylines are for games and how a developer can go about making a good storyline.

An image of Mario , who is an example of a hero in gaming.

Here is the links to each article I read:

-'Into the Woods: A Practical Guide to the Hero's Journey' by Bob Bate:

- 'What Every Game Developer Needs to Know about Story' by John Sunderland:


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