Unity Tutorial 03

Unity Tutorial 03

In this tutorial for this week,  I had to create a clock on Unity.  I thought this type of tutorial was easier to follow, I felt like I worked better doing the tutorial with screenshots and text  rather than watching a video. I just find it easier in my opinion to work on the challenge while looking at screenshots. This was the most enjoyable tutorial I've done because it was easier to follow the steps than the other ones. I'd much rather steps in this form than videos in the future. I found while I was doing the tutorial that I would miss a word or two a few times while filling out the script, which would not make it work the way I wanted to and I wouldn't know where I was going wrong with the tutorial but I realised after a few minutes that I missed a word in the script.  I also had a problem with creating the arms on the clock but after a few tries I got it to work. Other than that I really enjoyed this tutorial and I was happy to see my clock come out and working in full capability. I hope in the future the tutorials will be as text instead as videos as I work better with text than video.

An image of a clock.


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