Game Idea Research

Game Idea Research

This week I have to choose a game from my last week ideas and do research on it. The game I have chosen to go forward with is the 'Multiple choice' game. I want to go ahead with this game as it interests me to figure out how I can make this game work.

The first part of my research for my multiple choice game was to google 'Multiple choice game design'. When I googled this I found out a lot of information on multiple choice. I found a very good article called '5 Rules For Writing Interesting Choices In Multiple-Choice Games?'. The 5 rules that are included are :
 -Every option should have real consequences: This is important because if the decision has no effect then why should the player even choose
-The player needs some basis to make a decision: The player needs to know what the backstory of their choice is and what will happen
-No option should be obviously better or worse than all the others: This is important to keep the player excited and make them choose between tough choices.
-Know your players:There's three type of players, Gamist, Dramatist and Simulationist.
-Break these rules: Knowing when to break the rules is almost as important as knowing to follow them.
Here's a link to the great articles I read on multiple choice game's:

Three types of game mechanics I can use are : -A board game
                                                                           -Computer/video game
                                                                           -Card game

After researching on multiple choice games, I am really excited to work on the idea of making my own game. I can use Unity to make the multiple choice game. I read how to go about creating a multiple choice game on Unity by reading this on the Unity website, here's the answer I read:

An example of a game that has multiple choice options in it is GTA. There is some choices in the game that has huge effects to it, for example, in the end of the game you have three options to choose for on how you want to end the game.

The cover art of GTA, a game that uses multiple choice as a huge part of the storyline.

An image of a person having to choose between 3 routes to take.


  1. Hey Aaron,
    I can see what you are trying to go for and I am all for seeing how it will turn out with the whole GTA type of game play scene but I just wanted to know that the game you are trying to make do you think that it will be easy enough to do with the time period given, if so how will you go about making different paths for your character.

  2. Well a good day to you Aaron.
    I must say that your game concept that you have chosen to make sound very promising. Personally I love me a game when it gives me a choice because when you are just given a set path it can get a bit tedious and sometimes boring. I think that with the right time and that you have looked into the research of the making of a multiple choice game that you can at least have a clear idea of where to go with it. I look forward to seeing how it all turns out in the end.


  3. Hi Aaron! Loved reading your blog about the game your going to follow through with.
    It's cool to have a multiple choice game as it adds something unique about your blog. I personally love GTA and its a good example of a multiple choice game! I hope it all goes well for you and I'm excited to see the final product!

  4. Hi Aaron
    This was an interesting idea for your blog. I like the idea of your game having multiple choice and using the ending of GTA 5 was a good example. I think you should look at games like the walking dead as that game is all about multiply choice. This is idea for game has so many possibilities.
    Jamie Gannon


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