Learning about Feedback Thoughts

Feedback Thoughts

In this blog I will be talking about feedback thoughts and what I learnt. The first article I read was called 'Why it's so hard to hear negative feedback'. What I learnt from it was that when you receive feedback that you have to trust that everyone is giving you feedback to better you and not to try make you angry or upset about what they say. They give you it so you can better your work and to improve from your mistakes. I learned that when you're giving feedback is that you should do it openly and in a nice manner so the person doesn't get offended. I learned to just don't take feedback to heart and don't take it personal. The second article I read was 'why rejection hurts so much- and what to do about it'. I learned about how are brains are wired to automatically damage our self-esteem when we are rejected. The trick to get over it is to have zero tolerance for self-criticism. For rejection, you should avoid thinking all the faults that may have lead up to the rejection and to not overthink things.
I used to hate getting feedback on my work as I always saw it as people saying my work isn't good enough or it wasn't enough but recently I've learned that they are only trying to better my work and not hurt my feelings. 


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