Game Brainstorm

Game Brainstorming

Idea 1: My first idea for a game is to have a game with multiple choices and lots of different outcomes. I had the idea to start the game off with a young kid about 7-10 years old facing a few doors, number of doors can vary depending on the life situation, for example, the kid could be facing a two doors, one door with a football icon on it and the other door with a video game controller on it. This gives the player the choose to pick between two situations, both leading to different outcomes, for example, if the player chooses the football icon that could mean the kid ends up becoming a sports player or if the player chooses the video game controller door then the kid could become a professional video game player or someone who just wastes his time playing games and not being productive which could harm him in the future. When the players chooses a door, the next part will be a scene that shows what that choice has done to change or do to the kids life.The game would start off with options that won't lead to huge changes in the kids life but as the game continues, there will be much more tough and serious options of doors, for example, one scenario could be when the kid grows up into a teenager, that the player has to pick between the teenager taking drugs at a festival or if the teenager should say no to the drugs. This could be a huge decision in his/her life as it could even lead to the person dying if the player decides to take the drugs. I enjoy the idea of having a multiple choice game as it gives the player all the power in what he/she want's to happen to the character. I also like the thought of coming up with different scenarios for the boy/girl to go through as he/she goes through their life. I like the idea of it as last year in year 1 we had to do a twine story with multiple choices and it was very interesting to see other peoples stories and how they play out. 

Idea 2: My second idea for a game is a racing game. The concept of the game would be, there's a horizontal screen in the middle of the screen. The top screen has a character in racing in their specific vehicle facing right and the bottom screen has a character in their specific vehicle facing right as well. The aim of the game is to race agains't an opponent and first one to cross the finish line wins. The race will go for about one minute without hitting any obstacles on the way. Their will different obstacles for each type of arena you race in. The type of characters that will be available to choose could vary from animals to aliens to humans. For example, if you choose the alien theme, you will be an alien racing in space and driving a ufo. That means the obstacles that you will have to duck/jump over will be something like asteroids or moon rovers etc. I choose to do a racing a game as an idea as everyone loves racing games weather its a formula 1 racing game or the very popular game Mario Kart. This could be a good game as it will get people very competitive to try beat their opponent and also the various different characters and settings will make each race different and make the game more playable. I'd like to learn how split screen works and also how racing games are made to move to vehicles and characters. This game is also for any age as it wont have many rules or buttons to be pressing. It will automatically move right so the player will just have to time their jumps and ducks perfect to avoid being slowed down when hit by an obstacle. I'm interested to see how all the mechanics work for split screen games. 
An image of an example of horizontal split screen.

Idea 3: My third idea for a game is a game where the player gets to customise how they want their character to look. I thought of a game were the player can start from scratch to make any type of person they want. The game would start of with a boy/girl depending on the players choice standing in the middle of the screen with many different options in bubbles circling around the person. Each bubble will contain an icon indicating what type of customisation the player can do the their person. For example, one of the bubbles could contain an icon of hair which would indicate that if they click that icon that they will be able to customise the persons hair. When the player clicks the hair it will send them into a screen with a lot of options for different hair styles, lengths and colour. This will give the player full choice of how they want their character to look. Another example of one of the bubbles could be a tattoo icon and if the player clicks that icon it will send them to a screen with a number of options with different shapes, animals , texts and colours of the tattoos they would like to add, then they can click a body part which they would like to apply the tattoo to. I like this idea as it is simple but also fun for the player as they could try make themselves as the character or they could make their favourite singers or actors. This game would appeal to the younger audience as it isn't designed to grab the eye of the older audience. This game could help younger people to become creative as it will show they many type of choices and options to apply to their person.
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Idea 4: My fourth idea for a game I thought of would be a interactive crossword. This game would be aimed towards any age. The game would be the same as the crosswords in the newspaper for example but this will have many more options. The topics of the crosswords will be along the side, for example, the topics could vary from sports to movies to history. This will give the player a lot of topics to pick from. When the player chooses a topic they will then be brought to a screen that says "easy-medium-hard" , this will give the player the choice to make it reasonably easy or hard to challenge their knowledge and brain. Then when the player has chosen their difficulty they will be brought to the important screen that is the crossword. Along the right hand side will be numbers and hints about the answer, when the player thinks they know the answer they will find the corresponding number on the crossword and type their answer in, if they got the answer wrong the boxes for that number will turn red to indicate their answer was wrong they will then have to remove their answer and try again, but if they get it right the boxes will turn green (still showing the answer over the green) and then the player will not be able to remove the answer as there is no need to remove it. I like the idea of this game as it can be for any age. For example, instead of an elderly person buying t a newspaper or a crossword book in a shop just to do a crossword, they can now access it easily online and will not cost them a penny. Also this game can really benefit children and building their general knowledge, it could help the kids understand more about topics like english, colours or animals etc.
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  1. Hello Aaron, I just read through your game ideas and I like what you have conceived for yourself. Out of all the game ideas you have presented, my favorite is the multiple choices game. I like the fact it can be a different experience for each time the player plays through it and can really give strong replay value. I like how the idea came about from those Twine exercises last year cause they can really help the game come alive.


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