Reading 3

Reading 3

For this weeks reading task, I had to do more research on my topics. I am not finding these tasks to be very easy. I feel like I do not know if I am doing them correctly but I am going to write about what I think I have to do. 

I read the articles 'User Input and the Mobile User Experience – We’re All Thumbs Now or Maybe Not' and I learnt a lot of information for the topics that I am researching to write about.

Simple Guidelines for Mobile User Input:

Keep it Simple Stupid (KISS): You don’t want to overwhelm users with page after page of date collection on mobile. It’s simply not practical to try and extract the same volumes of data from a user that you would on a desktop.

Offer Default Inputs When It’s Practical :  If your audience is nearly fully from one country, then you should make that the default country option.
Think About the Device Capabilities: You can use motion capture, the camera, the internal accelerometer and gyroscope for positioning, the GPS and of course, voice on a mobile for input options
Give the Right Keyboard for the Right Task: For touchscreen smartphones – if you want the user to enter data – try to give them the right keyboard to do it with.For example, If you’re capturing a telephone number provide a numeric keyboard to get people started quickly.
Don’t Forget Not All Phones are Smartphones :  Some people have old phones which will be different to work with so be careful with that.
Hold Information Where Possible :  Assuming the application doesn’t hold hugely sensitive data – don’t make users enter passwords to access the information
Offer Error Minimisation: It needs a little thought but if you can integrate auto-complete or spell check or predictive text into your application; you can make it easier on your users when it comes to providing the right information at the right times, just do not over due it.

Overall, this article thought me a lot about user experience and I feel like I am yet to learn a lot more which will be interesting. 

An image of the word research.


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