Time strategies

Time Management I learnt about time management for this blog. I read a few articles about time management. The first one I read was 4 Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination by Peter Banerjea. This was my favourite read because I sometimes feel like I procrastinate a lot when it comes to my college work. This article helped me learn about ways to overcome procrastinating things. I liked the question asked that was "what will go wrong if I don't do it now?", I liked this question because it makes you think about why you shouldn't do it now to try stop you from leaving things for another times. The other article I read was 3 Steps to Recapture Time by Joynicole Martinez. It's basically helping you to put off leaving everything for other days. Overall, the articles helped me learn about how to prevent procrastinating and how to manage my time much more. My main time management strategy for this semester is to stick to my management schedule and try...