
Reading 6

Reading 6 This week for reading 6 task I had to do the body paragraphs. My week this week was difficult. I am finding this semester work to be hard and I feel like I need to go back to some weeks and add loads to them because I feel like due to them not having much work and research over them makes the rest of the weeks harder.  My two topics are Navigation Mechanisms and Game input Devices. I feel like these are hard enough to get much research to link to each other. I just feel like I am doing the research wrong and feel overwhelmed by not getting enough work done.  Next week, because we have a free week I am going to go back to past weeks and add more to them and do much more research because I know I have not done enough because I am finding this semester much more difficult compared to last semester. I find it hard to do research on the topics I have.  I have tried my best to get some sort of work done for the body paragraphs but I do not know if this is righ...

Unity Tutorial 06

Unity Tutorial 06 For this weeks Unity tutorials, I started on a new prototype, Prototype 3. I found this tutorial to be the best one so far. I had to complete three different tutorials to complete this weeks task. The links to the three tutorials: Lesson 3.1 Jump Force  Lesson 3.2 Make the World Whiz By  Lesson 3.3 Don’t Just Stand There  One strange problem I kept having was when I would use the tall layout, it would not allow me to add the script to the player. I did not know why this problem kept occurring until I randomly changed layout and then it allowed me to add the script.  The first tutorial was pretty much setting up the whole scene and getting our character to start working. I found this tutorial to be the easiest one of the three. The only problem I had was the script problem that I stated earlier. The second tutorial took me some time as the coding was getting confusing at parts. The third tutorial took the longest to do and I foun...

Reading 5

Reading 5 After last weeks reading, I was very confused on what to do, but luckily I got to speak to Shaun today in a face to face meeting which helped me a lot. Before I was unsure what the matrix was for and what articles to be reading but now after the help from Shaun I feel like I have a much better understanding to what I have to do. For this weeks reading I wont have as much work was I would like to because I only really understood today what I have to do. For next weeks reading, I feel like I will be much more prepared and will have way more work because I now know much more work that I have to do. For todays reading as I only found out today what to do is about the articles I found and will get headings from to be included in next weeks reading when I have more time to gather information. Some articles I found interesting include: -Methods and apparatus for input devices for instruments and/or game controllers: -Game ...

Unity Tutorial 5

Unity Tutorial 05 This week for Unity, I did two tutorials.  Here is a link to the two tutorials I done: Lesson 2.4 Collision Decisions Challenge 2 & Quiz Play Fetch  The first tutorial I done was the last tutorial for the third game we created. I found that adding the scripts that sometimes it would not work and I did not know how to fix the problem, so the game does not fully work but I tried for ages to understand what the problem was but I just could not fix the problem. I could not get the game to work as much as I wish. Overall, I did not enjoy this tutorial that much as I found it quite annoying and difficult.  The second tutorial was different from any other tutorial I did as we had to do more of the work on our own. This was the hardest tutorial I had to do this semester. It was very challenging because I had to do most of the work on my own. It took my about 2 days in total to work it all out. I had to ask my classmates for help on some b...

Unity Tutorial 04

Unity Tutorial 04 For this week Unity tutorial task, I done three Unity tutorials. I think I enjoyed these tutorials more compared to the past two weeks as I felt like my Unity skills were not up to the same standard as they were before the break but I feel like I am used to Unity once again. The three tutorials I done this week were: -Lesson 2.1 Player Positioning: -Lesson 2.2 Food Fight: -Lesson 2.3 Random Animal Stampede: My favourite tutorial was the third one, Lesson 2.3 Random Animal Stampede. This was my favour...

Unity Tutorial 03

Unity Tutorial 03 This weeks Unity tutorials were fun but took a bit of time to get it done. I done two tutorials for the Unity create with code. The two tutorials were: -Lesson 1.4 Step into the Driver’s Seat  -Challenge 1 & Quiz Plane Programming  I enjoyed doing both of them. The first tutorial was a continue on from last weeks one where it had the car in it. This week we were able to make the car move which I found very fun as when I finished it. I did find it challenging at the start to make the car move but I just made a typing error. I am finding the coding okay but I keep making small mistakes which do take a good bit of time to realise where I went wrong, but I think I am getting better with the coding. The second tutorial was different from the others as we had to fix the plane. I found the text tips to be very good and they helped  a lot as I am not that skilled with coding in Unity. I found the tutorial fun to do and I felt great when I go...

Reading 3

Reading 3 For this weeks reading task, I had to do more research on my topics. I am not finding these tasks to be very easy. I feel like I do not know if I am doing them correctly but I am going to write about what I think I have to do.  I read the articles ' User Input and the Mobile User Experience – We’re All Thumbs Now or Maybe Not' and I learnt a lot of information for the topics that I am researching to write about. Simple Guidelines for Mobile User Input: Keep it Simple Stupid (KISS):   You don’t want to overwhelm users with page after page of date collection  on mobile. It’s simply not practical to try and extract the same volumes of data from a user that you would on a desktop. Offer Default Inputs When It’s Practical :     If your audience is nearly fully from one country, then you should make that the default country option. Think About the Device Capabilities:  You can use motion capture, the camera, the internal accelerome...