Reading 6

Reading 6 This week for reading 6 task I had to do the body paragraphs. My week this week was difficult. I am finding this semester work to be hard and I feel like I need to go back to some weeks and add loads to them because I feel like due to them not having much work and research over them makes the rest of the weeks harder. My two topics are Navigation Mechanisms and Game input Devices. I feel like these are hard enough to get much research to link to each other. I just feel like I am doing the research wrong and feel overwhelmed by not getting enough work done. Next week, because we have a free week I am going to go back to past weeks and add more to them and do much more research because I know I have not done enough because I am finding this semester much more difficult compared to last semester. I find it hard to do research on the topics I have. I have tried my best to get some sort of work done for the body paragraphs but I do not know if this is righ...